You’ve made the decision to get a water softener to address all of your 家里的硬水问题. 尽管你现在知道了这些问题的答案, you may still be left with plenty of questions about what type of equipment you need and more importantly, 安装这台设备的最佳地点是哪里.

你是否有一个全尺寸的地下室, 爬行的空间, 衣橱, 或者是另一个领域, there are many factors to consider when thinking about water softener installation.


在你考虑安装之前, the very first thing you need to do is understand what’s in your water and consider your household’s needs. Knowing this information is important to determine the size and type of softener necessary to treat your water and accommodate your lifestyle.

The physical size of the softener will determine how much space is needed for installation. 水 treatment professionals determine the appropriate size by considering several factors including the flow rate, the amount of water your household uses and the quality of your water.

It’s important to consider the flow rate to make sure your home does not run out of softened water. 流量, 每分钟加仑(gpm), is determined by considering all of the fixtures and appliances in your home that may operate at the same time. 如果在选择系统时不考虑流量, 你的柔软剂太小了, you may experience decreased water pressure and hardness coming through the system.

另一个因素是水的使用. 根据 美国地质调查局 (美国地质调查局),平均每人每天使用80-100加仑的水. 虽然这个数字可能令人惊讶, 每次洗澡都要考虑一下, 浴缸或水槽的水龙头是开着的, 厕所是冲水的, 衣服洗好了. 加拿大28走势图很容易在没有意识到的情况下消耗掉大量的水. 适当调整柔软器的大小, you’ll want to multiply the number of gallons each person uses by the number of people living in your home.

水 treatment professionals will also look at the hardness of your water. Hardness is the amount of dissolved calcium and magnesium in your water and is measured in grains per gallon (gpg). This helps determine the amount of media needed inside your water softener to remove hardness. The bigger the system, the more media it can hold, and the more hardness it can remove. 除了硬度,还可能有 水里有铁, requiring a separate filter or a system that handles both iron and hardness removal.

准确地判断你的水里有什么,包括其他 可能的污染物, you should consult with a water treatment professional to conduct a comprehensive water test. They will recommend the proper equipment to adequately treat your water and accommodate your household’s needs. 更好地了解所需的正确设备, 接下来加拿大28走势图可以考虑系统的位置.


水软化剂的理想位置是在平地上, 在水进入房子的入口附近. If your home uses well water, the entry point is generally next to the pressure tank. If your home uses city water, it’s usually next to the water meter. 附近也应该有一个排水沟和电源, and there should be enough space to accommodate the size of the equipment.

在温暖的州, 像佛罗里达, 地下室不常见的地方, 你也可以在室外安装水软化剂或过滤器. Many water treatment professionals will dig a hole to minimize how much of the equipment is exposed to the elements or position it inside a small shed.

Most homes will require a relatively small footprint for a standard-sized water softener. 只要有管道就行, 管道, 下水道, 和权力, 软水器可以放在房主想要的任何地方, as long as it’s within code restrictions and equipment performance requirements, 比如温度. 水 softeners won’t work in unheated areas where the temperature can get below freezing. 柔软剂也不能在阳光直射下使用. The optimal temperature of the location should be between 35 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

Here are some examples of common locations where water softeners are installed:


Most homeowners choose to have their system installed in the basement. A full basement generally has enough space to accommodate any size softener as well as a variety of other water treatment equipment. 虽然他们应该在水源附近, 下水道, 电源, water softeners are typically installed near the home’s water heater to keep the equipment centralized.


一些爬行空间可以容纳水软化剂, but the size of the system may be limited depending on the space available. 在您的设备安装之前, proper measurements should be taken to make sure it will fit comfortably. Because the brine tank needs to be filled with water softener salt on a regular basis, having easy access should be considered before committing to a 爬行的空间 location.


对于没有地下室或爬行空间的家庭, 车库是安装软水器的另一个好选择. 通常, a garage provides plenty of space and storing softener salt is more convenient than hauling it in the basement. 有时, 车库安装需要额外的管道工作, and you’ll also want to make sure the area is temperature-controlled to stay within the ideal range for your softener to function correctly.


For homes without a basement or garage, systems can be installed in a utility room. These spaces tend to be small and so creative problem solving may be necessary. Cabins or other seasonal dwellings constructed on a slab may have few options available. Closets or utility rooms can be a good fit for a unit after some extra effort to create 下水道 for the system.

Trust a 水 Treatment Professional’s Expertise for Installation

几乎每种情况都有水处理解决方案. The only way to determine the best approach to your unique needs, 是咨询专业的水处理专家吗. 从长远来看, the right recommendation and proper installation could save you headaches and maintenance issues down the road.

加拿大28技巧 在你的地区找到一个授权的水权经销商.





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